
A fost odată un cuier uriaş numit web iar în el erau agăţate multe haine numite site-uri. Una din haine avea o multitudine de buzunare ce se înmulţeau zilnic. Ele se numeau blog-uri.
Astfel, prietenii mei au mereu un loc special în buzunarul cu InterzisFraierilor.

sâmbătă, 28 iunie 2008

Fara sens


Fa totul atat de frumos intr-o lume nebuna

Si eu voi incerca sa gasesc cuvinte ca sa zic

Tu faci ca totul sa fie in regula cand esti prin preajma

Baiete, tu ma faci sa cant...


Tu esti lumina mea in intuneric

Ghidandu-ma, ghidandu-ma spre casa

Si increderea ta in mine, este tot ce am eu nevoie

Baby, dragostea ta ma face sa fiu libera


Am nevoie de putin ajutor, baby

Nu pot sa dau impresia ca respir usor

Nu cand esti tu prin preajma, oooh...


Desi inca nu am simtit iubirea, ea exista peste tot in jurul meu... Imi place sa vad oameni iubindu-se si iubind. Da, fiindca dragostea nu e numai pentru persoane, ci si pentru obiecte sau lucruri spirituale...

Am vazut calugari si maicute ce il iubesc pe Hristos; am vazut oameni ce iubesc oameni, oameni ce iubesc animale, oameni ce iubesc lucruri; animale ce iubesc oameni, animale ce iubesc animale sau chiar lucruri... Tin minte cum atunci cand eram mica parintii imi spuneau ca dragostea este cel mai frumos sentiment pe care il poate trai cineva... Si toti afirmam asta.:)

Nu inteleg de ce scriu acestea...insa, cert e ca dragostea e ca hidrogenul :D:D Este omniprezenta, batrana cat lumea si indispensabila. :X:X

Poate fi scrisa, citita, stearsa, aruncata, primita, furata, cantata si simtita :)


luni, 16 iunie 2008

duminică, 15 iunie 2008

Asa-i romanul...

Duminica, 15 iunie, ziua cand se vede cat de eficienta a fost campania electorala, ne-a transformat pe mine si pe tovarasii mei in "pseudo-reporteri". Va intrebati cum? Ei bine, o simpla plimbare s-a transformat intr-o promenada comica, asadar, in "a walk to remember". Sa ne amintim ce? Sa ne amintim ca multi au facut destule, si astfel sa ne dam seama ca unii se folosesc de "inteligenta" si de "simtul realitatii" ale romanilor pentru a obtine postul de primar al comunei.
Trecand prin masa de alegatori pasionati, am cules cateva expresii si fragmente ale discutiilor lor atat de acide.... ( :-&) .
Iata ce face lipsa de informare si alcoolul din romani:

•"Votez eu si cu o parte din mine"

•"Eu si beau si mananc/Tot cu cineva sunt"

• "Vinul miroase a floare"

•"Ploua Dumnezeu!"

•"Eu eram foarte ultimul..."

•"...daca erai si matale cu vreo doua tenuri..." (referitor la culoarea pielii)

•"Iese unu' alb si unu' negru! Cum p***a masii o iesit asa??!! "

•"X: Hai, bardanosule, sa mai bem una! (Y il loveste pe X)

X: ( :D:D:D) raport: Y lovit X - lovitura mortala. X- decedat"

•" Badita s-a supus la vot: Moarte prin decapitare"


vineri, 13 iunie 2008

Si am mai incheiat un capitol...

♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥
Imi amintesc cu drag de ziua in care am intrat pentru prima data in gradinita, de bratele calde ale doamnei educatoare care m-a primit incantata, fiindca eram cel mai mic "student" al "academiei piticilor". Aveam doar 2 ani jumate, insa deseori puteam fi etichetata ca fiind un copil cu cativa ani mai mare. Am terminat cei 4 ani de gradinita, si simteam ca scoala ma astepta.
Prima zi de scoala a fost altfel... Am pasit in curtea scolii cu sufletul la gura, sfioasa si fara incredere, respingand ceea ce era nou, desi vroiam, totusi, sa merg mai departe.Invatatoarea ne-a dus in clasa, am trecut pe sub o cortina de flori tinute de parinti si colegi mai mari :) . Ne-a vorbit despre multe lucruri, si zilele ce au urmat nu au facut decat sa ma lipeasca si mai mult de colegi si sa ma faca sa iubesc scoala. Urmatorii ani, mi-au placut mult mai mult. Zilnic invatam lucruri noi, si fiecare zi conta, caci era o piesa a puzzle-lui ce se numea " viata mea".
Clasa a IV-a s-a terminat brusc, aproape fara sa ne dam seama ca defapt, in urma cu 4 ani noi venisem acolo, si eram "bobocii" scolii. Am avut un banchet, unde am dansat si ne-am distrat. Poza de grup va fi o amintire vesnica, prea frumoasa pentru a-i gasi o descriere, scena cand noi paseam un alt prag.
In fine, am ajuns in clasa a V-a, am facut cunostinta cu domnul diriginte, un domn tanar, ce ne-a primit increzator si dornic sa ne cunoasca. Desi la inceput sfiosi, spre sfarsit ne-am atasat de el ca de un frate mai mare, poate ca de un parinte, astfel ca in clasa a VIII-a am plans ca ne vom desparti, cu prilejul banchetului organizat de noi impreuna cu el. Acolo au fost invitati toti profesorii, ne-am distrat, si ne-am reamintit cele mai frumoase clipe. Clipele in care am fost impreuna, momentele in care cineva avea probleme, si solidaritatea nu disparea. Testele care nu se lasau fara copiat, pauzele in care jucam "jocuri interzise", orele cu guma pusa pe scaune...tot. 8-> ...
Pe 13 iunie am avut festivitatea de incheiere a anului scolar. Nu mici mi-au fost emotiile atunci cand am urcat pe scena si domnul director mi-a inmanat diploma de " Premiu de onoare" al scolii. Eram seful de promotie. Brusc mi-am adus aminte de notele mele, succesele avute pe parcursul celor 4 ani de ciclu gimnazial. Mai apoi am fost strigata pentru a-mi fi inmanat premiul II, cu o medie de 9,93. Am fost prea fericita, mergand in sala am auzit numai felicitari si urari de bine.
Nu cred ca voi uita prea curand asta. Azi dimineata m-am plimbat prin holul scolii...Am gasit desenele mele, referate de-ale mele... la biblioteca scolii sunt portofolii si lucrari de-ale mele, profesorii nu ma vor uita prea curand, si poate ca multi isi vor aduce aminte de mine :)
Acum stau si scriu aceste randuri pe un blog nevizitat. Tocmai am fost sa ii ofer doamnei mele educatoare o floare si o cutie de bomboane, un gest modest, dar care reprezinta faptul ca dumneaei ii voi purta o stima si o recunostinta deosebite pentru faptul ca dansa mi-a dat elanul necesar in a reusi.
Voi merge la liceu, dar vacanta aceasta va fi luuuuuungaa... Voi avea foarte multe idei in cap, insa nu voi uita prea curand ca am mai incheiat un capitol din cartea vietii. :)

♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥ ♥_♥

miercuri, 11 iunie 2008


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6:30 winter morn
Snow keeps falling, silent dawn
A rose by any other name
Eva leaves her Swanbrook home
A kindest heart which always made
Me ashamed of my own
She walks alone but not without her name
Eva flies away
Dreams the world far away
In this cruel children's game
There's no friend to call her name
Eva sails away
Dreams the world far away
The Good in her will be my sunflower field
Mocked by man to depths of shame
Little girl with life ahead
For a memory of one kind word
She would stay among the beasts
Time for one more daring dream
Before her escape, edenbeam
We kill with her own loving heart Eva flies away
Dreams the world far away
In this cruel children's game
There's no friend to call her name
Eva sails away
Dreams the world far away
The Good in her will be my sunflower field
(Eva- Nightwish)
This song teaches us about a pure soul, a kind heart, a beautiful woman, who really is A LIGHT WARRIOR....just try to read and understand the lyrics, try to listen and feel the song, try to replay the vibrations of your heart, and you'll become an Eva....
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marți, 10 iunie 2008

No more

I decided not to continue that text's useless and nobody will read it...anyway....the continuation is about how the boy manages to control his feelings and his moves, and after a long time he meets the same beautiful woman, but when he asked her what was her name she desappered...
That's all...whether you want to read more, try to look for "The Guide-book of the Light Warrior"

sâmbătă, 7 iunie 2008

The guide book of the Light Warrior

'In the out of the west beach of the village there is an island and on it there's a huge temple, full of bells' , said a woman.
The boy noticed that she was wearing weird clothes and her head was covered by a veil. He has never seen her before. ' Did you visit that temple?' , she asked. 'Go there, and tell me how it seems to you.'.
Attracted by the woman's beauty, the boy walked to the indicated place. He sat on the sand and scanned the horizon with the look, but he didn't see anything excepting the ordinary landscape: the blue sky and the ocean.

Dissapointed, he went in a close fishermen village and there asked about an island and a temple. ' Oh, it existed a long time ago, in the time of my grand-grandparents ' , said an old fisherman. 'There was an earthquake and the island sunk in the sea. But even though we cannot see the island, we still can hear the bells in the temple on it when the sea makes them swing, there, in its depth.'
The boy went back on the beach and tried to hear the bells. He staid there the whole afternoon but he didn't manage to hear something more than the sound of the waves and the shouts of the sea-gulls.
When the night fell down, his parents came to look for him. Next morning, he went back to the beach. He couldnt imagine that a beautiful woman was able to lie him. If she had returned he would have told her that he didn't see the island, but he heared the bells in the temple made to move by the water.
The boy stayed every day on the shore of the sea trying to hear the bells. He wasn't interested by the school and by his friends anymore. Despite de fact he didn't manage to hear the bells in the temple, nonetheless, he managed to learn new things. He realised that as much as he listened the sound of the waves, his attention didn't seem to be diverted by them.

After almost a year, the boy thought ' maybe these men are right. It is better to grow up and become a fisherman, to come here everyday here, on this beach, because I'm starting to like it. '
The boy was happy - and only how a child can - he felt himself full of gratidute for being alive. He knew that he didn't loose his time for nothing, because he learnt how to reflect and how to venerate the nature.
And then, because he was listening to the sea, the sea-gulls, to the wind and the palm leaves, to the voices of his friends, he heared the first bell sound. And another one, and another one, untill, luckily, all the bells of the sunk temple were ringing.


marți, 3 iunie 2008

Ready, set, go in the tomb!!

He's dead... He died last morning, and nobody cared about it... The decorator of my childhood will be burried in the cemetery, next to all of the most important people of my life...
It's so sad, but this is our life...


duminică, 1 iunie 2008


Uneori ma simt singura, parasita prin lege de toti...Camera asta e o insula pustie, in ea nu am nici o amintire...e "goala" si rece... Calculatorul face ca acest dormitor sa para si mai ostil... Stau ore intregi in pat, si astept sa adorm, ochii imi stau deschisi.
Neclipind vad parca o lumina ce se departeaza, intind mana sa o prind, sa nu o scap, insa ea ma invaluie, si parca ma poarta departe, in camera bunicilor, unde sta patul cel vechi, pe care saream cand eram mica, unde sunt multe....prea multe amintiri frumoase...
Casa bunicilor, care era plina de bibelouri de portelan, mileuri si vesela scumpa. Camerele care miroseau a rom si a scortisoara, bunica ce pregatea de toate, bunicul ce aducea lapte proaspat, cainele, castanul, usile mari din lemn, jucariile ingropate in cufar, puiul caruia i-am pus cruce din bete de chibrit la "mormant", puii de pisica, geamurile, capcanele, iepurii vecinului, toate, UNDE SUNT ACESTE AMINTIRI???!!!
!@#$ ce caut in aceasta casa saracacioasa, unde nu am decat foarte putine amintiri?
In viitorul apropiat bunicii nu vor mai fi, casa va fi altfel, sau poate nu va mai fi nici ea, iar eu si copilaria mea ne vom topi si ne vom scurge printre gratiile neputintei. :(

Iarasi stau si ma uit pe tavan. Nu mai pot dormi. La ce bun? Daca tot ceea ce avem noi mai important nu e , atunci pentru ce sa il inlocuim? PENTRU CE? Ma bucur ca inca mai am senzatii de deja vu, si ca inca mai tin minte cate ceva....


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When I was just a child, there lived a man about who I thought he'll live a long time from then on, but now I realise that I was wrong...
Iuliu, is a decorator, he've been painting the walls and repairing the stoves even since my mother was 3 and her parents were, well, they were young as well... Aflter about 20 years, I got born, and during my childhood I saw him repairing the stoves, cleaning out the chimneys and painting the walls of the rooms...
He was a black-skined man, tall and slim, with big brown eyes, not beautiful, but ok. He was the son of a hungarian woman and a gipsy man... He didn't manage to speak very well Romanian, even though he had been living in Romania since he was 19, but we always understood his Romanian; he wasn't rich, and he wasn't headstrong, so he always accepted our help which was consisting in money, clothes, food, or other stuff.
In the spring, I knew that Mr. Iuliu had to come and help my granny with the spring cleaning. Now I know he won't come anymore, 'cuz he's ill... :( , he's in coma, and even though the people say that he'll recuperate his health, I don't agree with them... He'll die, I know it.
And here we are again, face to face with the Death, who's calling us, and is taking everybody in her kingdom, which has no limits. I feel like all of us we are walking on a bridge, we are all together, and one by one they fall down in the black fog of the abyss which never ends. That means they die... One by one, important persons in my life died. I meant, just their body died, 'cuz their image, and their memories will remain here, in my mind, untill I'll pass the skip to the other Kingdom, untill I'll be next to them.

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