
A fost odată un cuier uriaş numit web iar în el erau agăţate multe haine numite site-uri. Una din haine avea o multitudine de buzunare ce se înmulţeau zilnic. Ele se numeau blog-uri.
Astfel, prietenii mei au mereu un loc special în buzunarul cu InterzisFraierilor.

sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2008


Poate ca e doar o idee de-a mea, insa a vorbi cu accent moldovenesc e urat. Suna vulgar. Loveste. Pare grotesc si violent, e dezamagitor.
Simt ca gresesc prin a avea o repulsie fata de accentul folosit in limba vorbita in zona mea, dar asta sunt.
Cat de urat este sa fii profesor si sa vorbesti moldoveneste, stand la catedra, acolo, in vazul tuturor!!
Da, e nepotrivit ca eu, elev, sa comentez felul in care un profesor alege sa isi faca ora, dar iata ca indraznesc asumandu-mi riscul presupus de asta si vin sa spun ca e cazul sa ne schimbam, sa adoptam un limbaj mai elevat, vorbind o limba literara, fara accente de genul acesta, incercand sa folosim cat mai multe cuvinte din diverse categorii ale lexicului. E frumos sa facem mai mult.
Pacat ca unii se resemneaza cu ideea de accent moldovenesc si vocabular zilnic format din putin peste o suta de cuvinte.
Sunt dezolata...

Student life

I wake up early and through my eyelashes I see a desk covered of books and papers and after that I realize that the school will be my home and those desks will be my brains increasers for a long time from now on.
I sit down and I keep trying to give my best for the a better student job for hours and hours... After that I find out i will be late for school and I eat an apple as fast as I can while i put on my clothes. I look at ashen face in the mirror, I put on my sneakers and I run to school.
Of course I get late for the French language back hurts because of that heavy rucksack and after all that the teacher wants more, I mean she wants me to speak French perfectly, she wants me to write it perfectly, what am I? Am I a robot?!!!
The break elapses too fast... a maths class is gonna begin and I think we'll feel those feelings again: hunger and fever.
Informatics, Romanian language, chemestry, history and English language. Yes. Seven hours per day. On the street my feet have an extrordinary speed, and I walk without seeing what's around me. It's night time.
At home, quietly, I eat a soup with no taste, I walk to the office, I lock myself in there, and I already know that I will open that door just when the clock will show the midnight.
Pyjamas, make-up off, teddy bear, linen, bed... all of these human things are running in my mind generating a real huricane.
I lay down and my eyes close by their feels great...The image of the moon seen from a train makes me sleep and thinking of all cute things I will do when I grow up. That makes me forget about the thing I am a student and I will be so a long time from now on...